Our research reveals what is really driving opinionso you have a message that mobilises action.ASK | LISTEN | ACT
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We undertake focus groups to get under the skin of seemingly contradictory opinions and understand the emotions that drive decision making.

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Sectors we support
Forefront is a new market research agency that helps companies better understand what drives the opinions of their audiences. We currently operate in the following sectors:
Brand and Consumer
What do your customers really think about your brand? Do they think about it at all? What impact – if any – does it have …
Public Sector
You’re developing policy with big challenges and no easy answers. You know that the most effective solutions are politically contentious. Inaction is not an option. …
Property Development
You’re trying to deliver a development scheme. You’ve had productive discussions with the local authority to find a solution that meets their policy goals and …
You’re running for election. The stakes are high. Failure is not an option. How can we give your campaign the best possible chance of success? …
Public Affairs
You’re trying to influence the political process. So, you have a campaign focused on convincing politicians and policymakers. Makes perfect sense. But as good as …

Our Process
Explore the Current Landscape
We seek to validate initial theories, expand on them and quantitatively define the current position for a campaign.
Data Processing & Analysis
We use relevant statistical analysis to objectively uncover the strongest drivers of support and/or engagement for a proposition.
Test again to be sure
Test and scrutinise the proposed narrative and messaging, ensuring nothing is left to chance when it is deployed.
Deployment & Tracking
As you deploy campaigns and initiatives based on this research, it will be important to regularly re-test, as sentiment changes over time
We are always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our team. If you feel you have something to offer then get in touch today.
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