Property Development

You’re trying to deliver a development scheme. You’ve had productive discussions with the local authority to find a solution that meets their policy goals and is commercially viable.

But a small number of opponents are exerting out-sized political pressure that could de-rail the whole project.

What can you do to counter this?

We find the local residents that support your scheme – but haven’t spoken up. Often, they vastly outnumber the opponents. And their opinions are just as valid. We find the arguments that resonate the strongest and are mostly likely to encourage them to participate in the planning process. Providing an effective political counter-weight.


We have worked on schemes ranging from multi-phase regeneration schemes to single site developments. We have helped developers engage with local authorities of all political colours.

We helped a developer get planning permission for a regeneration scheme in Margate. We surveyed residents and held focus groups to determine who their most likely supporters were, what concerns they might have and what arguments would resonate with them. This informed all the communications the developer used with the local community and political decision-makers. The scheme was approved by an overwhelming margin in early 2019, despite an officer recommendation for refusal.

We were commissioned by award-winning property communications firm Forty Shillings to conduct an in-depth study of attitudes in London towards development. Specifically, we sought to understand who was supporting development, what types they support and what was driving this support. We presented this exclusive research to leading developers and local politicians.


Political Research

Opinion Research

Stakeholder Engagement

Communications Strategy

We provide cost-effective and practical market research solutions with proven outcomes.

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